Pre-Fermented Ingredients in Foods and Beverages

  • Jun 26, 2024
  • 4 min, 36 sec

Fermented ingredient-based food products are trending in the food industry. These products have a unique taste and functional health benefits, which is attracting a large number of consumers. Just like the evolved lifestyle, consumers’ eating preferences have taken a shift towards the nutritious food. In recent years, it has been observed that customer purchase patterns are becoming increasingly oriented toward food quality, with health concerns in mind. In the process of selecting food products, they’ve gotten more sensitive, cautious, and thoughtful. These added perks would undoubtedly draw more customers. Fermentation plays a key role in the production of nutritive foods and beverages with high relevance for human and animal health. Fermented foods are rich in beneficial probiotics and provide a variety of health benefits, including improved digestion, immune system function, and heart health.

Market Overview for Fermented Ingredients

The fermented ingredients market is projected to register a CAGR of 4.72% during the forecast period (2020-2027). This indicates an increase in the rate of interest.

Investment in the fermented ingredient from the year 2018-2027
Figure 1: Investment in the fermented ingredient from the year 2018-2027

Pre-fermented Ingredients with Highlighted Benefits

The table below lists the pre-fermented ingredients utilized in various domains of the food industry, specifically focusing on their usage in food and beverages.

Ingredient, Sensory Property and Functional Property

Table: Ingredient, Sensory Property and Functional Property

Processing Technologies for Fermented Ingredients

Heat Technology

Heating technologies like Microwave Heating (MWH), Radiofrequency Heating (RFH), and Ohmic Heating (OH) are done before fermentation because these heating technologies improve the efficiency of fermentation.

Probiotic Fermentation of Grains

Probiotic fermentation is carried out with the help of live microbial feed supplements that act on the host and enhance its microbial balance. It also improves phenolic compounds, total amino acids, protein concentration, and volatile flavoring compounds in cereals and millet.

Multiphase Fermentation Technology

It is used in plant-based products, such as cereal, to improve flavor. This technology enhances meat flavor but can also be used in bakery products to improve their taste and mouthfeel.

Commercial Products

Pre-fermented ingredients are increasingly used in various food domains, such as bakeries, dairy, and beverages, to keep up with current trends in the food sector.

Gluten-free Garden Mix Fermented Rice Bread                     

Garden Mix gluten-free bread is made by Schnitzer, a Europe-based company that focuses on the trends in the bakery industry, such as gluten-free and vegan. They have a wide range of products. In Garden Mix gluten-free bread, their key ingredient is fermented rice, which is responsible for the taste and flavor of the bread

Turbo Sourdough Fermented Oats Drink

A European company, ZOE, manufactures turbo Sourdough fermented oats drink. They are focused on health-based drinks made with organic plant-based ingredients. Oats are the key ingredient in turbo sourdough drinks, which contain unique fiber for a healthy gut.

ANZAC Biscuit

ANZAC Biscuits by Kultured Wellness, an Australia-based company, focuses on food with health benefits. With an improved texture and digestive health benefits, ANZAC biscuits are made using fermented oats.

Devitalized Sourdough

Sourdough, made by Lesaffre, is a Singapore-based company with a range of starter cultures, including sourdough. Devitalized sourdough is made using fermented wheat, rye, and spell, with both functional and health benefits. Moreover, their sourdoughs have a unique taste and flavor and aid in proper digestion.

Biona Organic

Biona Organic is focused on great-tasting food that’s untouched by chemicals and sustainably farmed. They have a wide range of products, such as snacks, confectionery, beverages, and dips/sauces.

Startups Working in the Domain:

The use of the pre-fermented domain is a new dimension added to the food industry. This is in a growing phase, and start-ups are actively emerging with jaw-dropping products and also exceptional health benefits.

  1. Nova Brewing is a company started in 2019 that uses fermented rice or koji to make its products with a brightening flavor and taste.
  2. SinFooTech is a Singapore-based company that manufactures a fermented soy-based product called Sachi. Moreover, they use a sustainable approach, and their products are rich in flavor and antioxidants.
  3. SABARAC was founded in 2016 in Brisbane, QLD, Australia. The company makes fermented hot sauces, mostly used with burgers, pasta, and marinades for chicken. Additionally, the company has a wide variety of products ranging from hot sauces, which include chilies, fruits, and vegetables, to fermented salts made from a mixture of spices.

Challenges in Using Pre-fermented Ingredient


Non-uniformity Processing:

Batch-to-batch variations occur when the ingredients undergo fermentation using a different inoculum or under different conditions.

Selection of Microorganisms:

Microbes should be able to process economically available raw materials with desired outcomes because the cost of microbes will add to the total cost and processing time.

Harvesting Raw Materials:

It is a critical step that will aid in fermentation and maintain the cost of raw materials.

Manufacturers’ Acceptance:

Using pre-fermented ingredients in their ongoing products will be challenging because these ingredients will impart their unique flavors and change the existing mouthfeel of their products.    


The food and beverage industry is gaining consumers’ confidence in using pre-fermented ingredients. Products such as bread, sauces, breakfast cereal, dairy-based products, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks currently incorporate fermented ingredients.

The future fermented ingredients market is promising, with an increased focus on health and personalized nutrition. It will enter new avenues, such as vegan food, meat alternatives, and functional beverages. Consumer interest has also shifted towards sustainable and healthier food options, which will boost pre-fermented product consumption in the coming years.

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